Meeting Votes

December 07, 2020 - December 10, 2020

Logistics Agenda Presentations Attendance Votes Notes
Registered: 39
OOE: 32
Votes needed for individual vote quorum:

Individual organization's votes are show as colored blocks as follows:
Yes No Abstain Miss

  1. Vote Topic: #168: Errata, MPI_INIT argc/argv values (errata)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    29 0 0

  2. Vote Topic: #313: Errata, Catastrophic errors can cause MPI returning wrong outputs (errata)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    29 0 0

  3. Vote Topic: #311: Errata, Fix wrong term process group with Cartesian structure in section 7.5.5 (errata)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    29 0 0

  4. Vote Topic: #314: Errata, Fix undefined behaviour of MPI_Cart/Graph*_get caused by binding to specific communicator creation calls (errata)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    29 0 0

  5. Vote Topic: #315: Errata, Fix not precisely defined topology information for MPI_Cart_sub (errata)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    28 0 1

  6. Begin New Voting Day

  7. Vote Topic: #327: Errata, Large Count Fixes (no-no)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    28 0 1

  8. Vote Topic: #304: Create a standalone document for the summary of the semantics of all operation-related MPI procedures (1st)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    29 0 0

  9. Begin New Voting Day

  10. Vote Topic: #327: Errata, Large Count Fixes (errata)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    28 0 1

  11. Vote Topic: Ballot to approve release candidate (1st)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    27 0 2