This page provides a way to update the community on the current status of various MPI implementation with respect to the various vesions of the MPI Standard.

MPI 4.0

Feature MPICH Open MPI
Large Counts
Partitioned Communication
MPI_T Events
Error Handling
Non-blocking SENDRECV
Persistent Collectives
New Split Types
Info Assertions
Memory Alignment
# - Under development + - Partly done

MPI 3.1

Feature MPICH MVAPICH Open MPI Cray Tianhe Intel MPI IBM (BG/Q - Legacy) IBM (PE - Legacy) IBM (Spectrum) HPE Fujitsu Microsoft MPC NEC Sunway RIKEN AMPI
Non-Blocking Collectives
Neighborhood Collectives
Shared Memory #
MPI_T # Q1 2019
F08 Bindings # Q2 2019
New Datatypes
Large Counts
NBC I/O # # Q2 2019
# - Under development + - Partly done

Instructions for MPI Implementation Maintainers

If you would like to update the information for your implementation. Create a pull request here to make that change. If you’re unclear on how that works, contact @wesbland or @schulzm for help.