Meeting Votes

March 3rd - March 6th, 2014

Logistics Agenda Presentations Attendance Votes Notes
Registered: 18
Attended: 18
OOE: 22
Votes needed for individual vote quorum:

Individual organization's votes are show as colored blocks as follows:
Yes No Abstain Miss

  1. Vote Topic: #405: MPI_T: Errata item to explicitly state the intent of MPI_CHAR in the tools interface (errata)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    16 0 0

  2. Vote Topic: #406: MPI_T: Errata item to remove MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_ITEM (errata)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    16 0 0

  3. Vote Topic: Accept changes to #357 since it was read last meeting (1st-and-only)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    16 0 0

  4. Vote Topic: #400: MPI_T: new return code to catch invalid use of interface (1st)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    16 0 0

  5. Vote Topic: #377: MPI_T get variables and categories by index (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    16 0 0

  6. Vote Topic: #378: MPI_T Optional output parameters (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    16 0 0