3.8. Error Handling

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MPI provides the user with reliable message transmission. A message sent is always received correctly, and the user does not need to check for transmission errors, time-outs, or other error conditions. In other words, MPI does not provide mechanisms for dealing with transmission failures in the communication system. If the MPI implementation is built on an unreliable underlying mechanism, then it is the job of the implementor of the MPI subsystem to insulate the user from this unreliability, and to reflect only unrecoverable transmission failures. Whenever possible, such failures will be reflected as errors in the relevant communication call.

Similarly, MPI itself provides no mechanisms for handling MPI process failures, that is, when an MPI process unexpectedly and permanently stops communicating (e.g., a software or hardware crash results in an MPI process terminating unexpectedly).

Of course, MPI programs may still be erroneous. A program error can occur when an MPI call is made with an incorrect argument (nonexisting destination in a send operation, buffer too small in a receive operation, etc.). This type of error would occur in any implementation. In addition, a resource error may occur when a program exceeds the amount of available system resources (number of pending messages, system buffers, etc.). The occurrence of this type of error depends on the amount of available resources in the system and the resource allocation mechanism used; this may differ from system to system. A high-quality implementation will provide generous limits on the important resources so as to alleviate the portability problem this represents.

In C and Fortran, almost all MPI calls return a code that indicates successful completion of the operation. Whenever possible, MPI calls return an error code if an error occurred during the call. By default, an error detected during the execution of the MPI library causes the parallel computation to abort, except for file operations. However, MPI provides mechanisms for users to change this default and to handle recoverable errors. The user may specify that no error is fatal, and handle error codes returned by MPI calls by themselves. Also, the user may provide user-defined error-handling routines, which will be invoked whenever an MPI call returns abnormally. The MPI error handling facilities are described in Section Error Handling.

Several factors limit the ability of MPI calls to return with meaningful error codes when an error occurs. MPI may not be able to detect some errors; other errors may be too expensive to detect in normal execution mode; some faults (e.g., memory faults) may corrupt the state of the MPI library and its outputs; finally some errors may be ``catastrophic'' and may prevent MPI from returning control to the caller.

In addition, some errors may be detected in operations that do not refer to an MPI object from which the associated error handler can be obtained. Error handler associations are further described in Section Error Handling. In such cases, these errors will be raised on the communicator MPI_COMM_SELF when using the World Model (see Section The World Model). When MPI_COMM_SELF is not initialized (i.e., before MPI_INIT / MPI_INIT_THREAD, after MPI_FINALIZE, or when using the Sessions Model exclusively) the error raises the initial error handler (set during the launch operation, see Reserved Keys). The Sessions Model is described in Section The Sessions Model.

Lastly, some errors may be detected after the associated operation has completed locally. An example of such a case arises because of the nature of asynchronous communications: MPI calls may initiate operations that continue asynchronously after the call returned. Thus, the operation may return with a code indicating successful completion, yet later cause an error to be raised. If there is a subsequent call that relates to the same operation (e.g., a call that verifies that an asynchronous operation has completed) then the error argument associated with this call will be used to indicate the nature of the error. In a few cases, the error may occur after all calls that relate to the operation have returned, so that no error value can be used to indicate the nature of the error (e.g., an erroneous program on the receiver in a send with the ready mode).

This document does not specify the state of a computation after an erroneous MPI call has occurred. The desired behavior is that a relevant error code be returned, and the effect of the error be localized to the greatest possible extent. E.g., it is highly desirable that an erroneous receive call will not cause any part of the receiver's memory to be overwritten, beyond the area specified for receiving the message.

Implementations may go beyond this document in supporting in a meaningful manner MPI calls that are defined here to be erroneous. For example, MPI specifies strict type matching rules between matching send and receive operations: it is erroneous to send a floating point variable and receive an integer. Implementations may go beyond these type matching rules, and provide automatic type conversion in such situations. It will be helpful to generate warnings for such nonconforming behavior.

MPI defines a way for users to create new error codes as defined in Section Error Classes, Error Codes, and Error Handlers.

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