21.3.3. Datatypes C Bindings

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MPI_Aint MPI_Aint_add(MPI_Aint base, MPI_Aint disp)
MPI_Aint MPI_Aint_diff(MPI_Aint addr1, MPI_Aint addr2)
int MPI_Get_address(const void *location, MPI_Aint *address)
int MPI_Get_elements(const MPI_Status *status, MPI_Datatype datatype, int *count)
int MPI_Get_elements_c(const MPI_Status *status, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Count *count)
int MPI_Pack(const void *inbuf, int incount, MPI_Datatype datatype, void *outbuf, int outsize, int *position, MPI_Comm comm)
int MPI_Pack_c(const void *inbuf, MPI_Count incount, MPI_Datatype datatype, void *outbuf, MPI_Count outsize, MPI_Count *position, MPI_Comm comm)
int MPI_Pack_external(const char datarep[], const void *inbuf, int incount, MPI_Datatype datatype, void *outbuf, MPI_Aint outsize, MPI_Aint *position)
int MPI_Pack_external_c(const char datarep[], const void *inbuf, MPI_Count incount, MPI_Datatype datatype, void *outbuf, MPI_Count outsize, MPI_Count *position)
int MPI_Pack_external_size(const char datarep[], int incount, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Aint *size)
int MPI_Pack_external_size_c(const char datarep[], MPI_Count incount, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Count *size)
int MPI_Pack_size(int incount, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Comm comm, int *size)
int MPI_Pack_size_c(MPI_Count incount, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Count *size)
int MPI_Type_commit(MPI_Datatype *datatype)
int MPI_Type_contiguous(int count, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_contiguous_c(MPI_Count count, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_darray(int size, int rank, int ndims, const int array_of_gsizes[], const int array_of_distribs[], const int array_of_dargs[], const int array_of_psizes[], int order, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_darray_c(int size, int rank, int ndims, const MPI_Count array_of_gsizes[], const int array_of_distribs[], const int array_of_dargs[], const int array_of_psizes[], int order, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_hindexed(int count, const int array_of_blocklengths[], const MPI_Aint array_of_displacements[], MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block(int count, int blocklength, const MPI_Aint array_of_displacements[], MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block_c(MPI_Count count, MPI_Count blocklength, const MPI_Count array_of_displacements[], MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_hindexed_c(MPI_Count count, const MPI_Count array_of_blocklengths[], const MPI_Count array_of_displacements[], MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_hvector(int count, int blocklength, MPI_Aint stride, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_hvector_c(MPI_Count count, MPI_Count blocklength, MPI_Count stride, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_indexed_block(int count, int blocklength, const int array_of_displacements[], MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_indexed_block_c(MPI_Count count, MPI_Count blocklength, const MPI_Count array_of_displacements[], MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_resized(MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Aint lb, MPI_Aint extent, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_resized_c(MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Count lb, MPI_Count extent, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_struct(int count, const int array_of_blocklengths[], const MPI_Aint array_of_displacements[], const MPI_Datatype array_of_types[], MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_struct_c(MPI_Count count, const MPI_Count array_of_blocklengths[], const MPI_Count array_of_displacements[], const MPI_Datatype array_of_types[], MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_subarray(int ndims, const int array_of_sizes[], const int array_of_subsizes[], const int array_of_starts[], int order, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_create_subarray_c(int ndims, const MPI_Count array_of_sizes[], const MPI_Count array_of_subsizes[], const MPI_Count array_of_starts[], int order, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_dup(MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_free(MPI_Datatype *datatype)
int MPI_Type_get_contents(MPI_Datatype datatype, int max_integers, int max_addresses, int max_datatypes, int array_of_integers[], MPI_Aint array_of_addresses[], MPI_Datatype array_of_datatypes[])
int MPI_Type_get_contents_c(MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Count max_integers, MPI_Count max_addresses, MPI_Count max_large_counts, MPI_Count max_datatypes, int array_of_integers[], MPI_Aint array_of_addresses[], MPI_Count array_of_large_counts[], MPI_Datatype array_of_datatypes[])
int MPI_Type_get_envelope(MPI_Datatype datatype, int *num_integers, int *num_addresses, int *num_datatypes, int *combiner)
int MPI_Type_get_envelope_c(MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Count *num_integers, MPI_Count *num_addresses, MPI_Count *num_large_counts, MPI_Count *num_datatypes, int *combiner)
int MPI_Type_get_extent(MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Aint *lb, MPI_Aint *extent)
int MPI_Type_get_extent_c(MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Count *lb, MPI_Count *extent)
int MPI_Type_get_true_extent(MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Aint *true_lb, MPI_Aint *true_extent)
int MPI_Type_get_true_extent_c(MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Count *true_lb, MPI_Count *true_extent)
int MPI_Type_indexed(int count, const int array_of_blocklengths[], const int array_of_displacements[], MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_indexed_c(MPI_Count count, const MPI_Count array_of_blocklengths[], const MPI_Count array_of_displacements[], MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_size(MPI_Datatype datatype, int *size)
int MPI_Type_size_c(MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Count *size)
int MPI_Type_vector(int count, int blocklength, int stride, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Type_vector_c(MPI_Count count, MPI_Count blocklength, MPI_Count stride, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype)
int MPI_Unpack(const void *inbuf, int insize, int *position, void *outbuf, int outcount, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Comm comm)
int MPI_Unpack_c(const void *inbuf, MPI_Count insize, MPI_Count *position, void *outbuf, MPI_Count outcount, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Comm comm)
int MPI_Unpack_external(const char datarep[], const void *inbuf, MPI_Aint insize, MPI_Aint *position, void *outbuf, int outcount, MPI_Datatype datatype)
int MPI_Unpack_external_c(const char datarep[], const void *inbuf, MPI_Count insize, MPI_Count *position, void *outbuf, MPI_Count outcount, MPI_Datatype datatype)

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